Title: Empezar a Emprender (Embarking on Entrepreneurship)
Category: Incubation Programme
Client: Andalucía Emprende, Junta de Andalucía
Project duration: Aug 2022 – Dec 2022
Web: www.andaluciaemprende.es/convocatorias/empezar-a-emprender/
Within the Junta de Andalucía, the Andalusian Public Foundation Andalucía Emprende requested the implementation of an innovative entrepreneurship programme aimed at Andalusian entrepreneurs. The incubation programme, aimed at 100 projects, consisted of 20 hours of group training in an online format through an LMS platform and a bag of 150 hours of individual mentoring to be used by all participants. In addition, a group of managers from the Andalucía Emprende team actively participated in the different sessions to be part of the project.
The challenge was clear: to incubate 100 projects from 8 different provinces in 3 months. Coordination and good management, as well as the use of new tools and applications for planning and communication between all participants, were essential.
To meet the challenge ahead of us, we decided to use no-code tools that allowed us to establish an agile working methodology and to manage more than 550 leads from interested projects.
We set up a landing in less than 48 hours to collect applications, we established evaluation parameters that helped us to quickly and correctly understand the level of development of the ideas, as well as their innovation and scalability. As a result, we were able to select 100 projects in a matter of days.
Subsequently, we coordinate and manage the participation of all entrepreneurs and managers, as well as the sessions, agendas and required documentation. We were able to do it with the effort of the team and with agile processes and very simple methodologies.